Monday, July 16, 2012

July 16: Haiti Hope

Today I started printing photos and planning for my Haiti trip scrapbook; I plan on keeping it simple with photos and pages from my journal taped in with some cute wasabi tape. So, I though I would share a few photos and thoughts from the trip. It was a great, heart breaking, yet inspiring trip.

A week spent in Haiti has helped to solidify what I have been learning here in the states, we can have joy despite current situations or frustrations. Our hope and future are in God's plans for us, and he promises that those are greater than we can imagine. Even when I don't feel that at the moment, or day, or month, or year, it is still truth. I would rather live in God's hands than not, even if that is harder.

I met amazing people, young and old, in Haiti, people working hard to change their country's future, people who have hope for a better life both here and in heaven, people who display the love, mercy, grace, and forgiveness of Jesus. They are perfect reminders that...

smiles and laughter bridge language barriers

we all understand a hug and need loving touch

there is hope and joy in God despite current circumstances

prayer, worship, and thankfulness can overcome hard times

thankfulness brings joy

help, give, love, sacrifice when you can, where you can, it makes a difference.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful pictures; hope to hear more about the trip soon!
